Entrepreneurs In Motion



This is the show for people who are action-takers, not excuse makers. If you're a location-independent entrepreneur who's actively working on growing your business, then this podcast is for you. We'll be talking business, growth, strategies, mindset, and breakthroughs that can help you take things to the next level. Are you one of us? Come join the conversation at http://www.entrepreneursinmotion.com


  • 2021 productivity practices: Split months & flexible goals

    27/01/2021 Duração: 10min

    How am I organizing my workload and managing goals and objectives this year? That's the topic of today's episode, and I'm going to describe two practices I've adopted that are working well for me when it comes to planning and productivity. If you've struggled in the past with implementing complicated goal-setting systems, or with organizing the many different tasks that have to get done, these two simple strategies may be just what you need. Comments: http://www.entrepreneursinmotion.com/practices/

  • Year in review 2020

    14/01/2021 Duração: 17min

    It's past time for the year in review episode... and it's also been a whole year since I published anything at all on this podcast. The explanation is simple: 2020. Practically nothing more needs to be said, right? I know a few listeners have written in and said you've missed the Entrepreneurs in Motion podcast, and I've missed doing it! But this was a year in which my responsibilities had to get pared back to the absolute minimum, and since this podcast is a side project for me, I had to put it on pause.  Today I'll share a summary of the past year: How COVID affected my business What went well in 2020 What didn't go well in 2020 And as always I'll pull out some takeaways or lessons for you, the listener. Come comment and let me know how your year went! Check out my past year in review episodes: Year in review 2019 Year in review 2018 Year in review 2017

  • 131: Year in review 2019

    27/12/2019 Duração: 16min

    It's the final episode of the year... time to look back, reflect and report on how it went! Today I'll share five things that went well, three things that didn't, and what my theme for the year was. Links and comments: http://www.entrepreneursinmotion.com/review2019/

  • 130: Breakdown of my simple Black Friday sale

    13/12/2019 Duração: 19min

    I decided to do a simple Black Friday promo, and today I'll be sharing exactly what I did, the strategy, and the results. Listen in to learn advantages and disadvantages of Black Friday sales, why I don't normally discount my products (but why I decided to do so now), and the specific messaging I used to inform my audience about the sale... and, of course, the numbers! Links and comments: http://www.entrepreneursinmotion.com/bf/

  • 129: Top takeaways from Thailand

    13/11/2019 Duração: 18min

    Last month I made the long journey to Bangkok for a conference of fellow location-independent entrepreneurs. Here are my top takeaways from the event - one about the conference itself, one more tactical plan for my business, one insight about my life, and one consideration for the long term.

  • 128: Doing things the gentle business way - with Sarah Santacroce

    06/11/2019 Duração: 24min

    Do aggressive and manipulative marketing tactics make you squirm? In today's episode, my guest Sarah Santacroce explains how to implement "gentle business" principles in order to create a more genuine human-to-human connection (which is still effective in making sales!) We talk about revealing yourself and what you stand for to your prospective customers, as well as sales calls and last chance emails, and how you can use those tactics in a non-slimy way. If you, like me, want your marketing to be in line with your values, then you'll really enjoy this conversation. Links and comments: http://www.entrepreneursinmotion.com/gentle

  • 127: Want to pick my brain for free?

    23/10/2019 Duração: 06min

    Although I don't offer coaching or consulting at the moment, I'd like to help more entrepreneurs by talking through business challenges together! If you want to get my perspective and advice about anything in your business, we'll record the conversation and publish it as a case study on this podcast. Fill out this form and tell me about your business and your current struggles - so I can see how I can help you and if you'll be a good fit: http://www.entrepreneursinmotion.com/guest/

  • 126: Building businesses for the long-term - with Ray Blakney

    16/10/2019 Duração: 28min

    What would you do if your business disappeared overnight? This is exactly what happened to today's guest, and he had to rebuild everything from the ground up. I'm talking with Ray Blakney, who not only managed to recover from that disaster and grow his main business to a solid seven figures, but he's also started multiple other businesses on the side - some successful, others not so much. In this conversation he tells us all about building businesses with a long-term perspective, how he manages to juggle several projects at the same time, and his method for testing a business idea or product idea to see if it gains traction. There's also some great advice for hiring and making that transition from doing everything yourself to delegating things to a team. http://www.entrepreneursinmotion.com/ray

  • 125: Digital declutter update (3 months later)

    09/10/2019 Duração: 12min

    How are my digital habits looking 3 months after I reduced my screen time to a minimum? Today I'll talk about whether or not the changes I made to my use of digital devices have endured. Links and comments: http://www.entrepreneursinmotion.com/detox2

  • 124: Why I finally turned on YouTube ads after 7 years

    02/10/2019 Duração: 12min

    Since I started my YouTube channel 7 years ago, it has grown to 366,000 subscribers and nearly half a million views per month. But I've never had ads on my channel... until now. Listen in as I explain the rationale and factors that went into making this decision. I hope these "behind the scenes" episodes help you navigate decision-making in your own business! Links and comments: http://www.entrepreneursinmotion.com/ads

  • 123: Where's the hockey stick growth?! - with Daniel Walter Scott

    25/09/2019 Duração: 26min

    Welcome to part 2 of my conversation with Daniel Walter Scott, who runs a very successful online course business as well as a newer SaaS business (that's software as a service). Last week we got into the details of online courses, and in this episode we'll focus on Daniel's journey as an entrepreneur - why he feels like it has taken him a long time to build his business, the surprises when he later started a software company, plus advice for hiring well and why he publishes his revenue numbers publicly. I hope you'll enjoy this interview as much as I did.

  • 122: Tips from a million-dollar online course creator - with Daniel Walter Scott

    18/09/2019 Duração: 26min

    I'm really excited to bring you today's interview because it was such a great conversation. My guest is Daniel Walter Scott, and he is making over a million dollars a year teaching online courses that are low-cost (like less than $100) and high-volume, mainly focusing on software tutorials. So if you, like me, do not sell a premium-priced product, like a $2000 program or a $1000/month piece of software, you will find Daniel's story fascinating. I've actually split the interview into two parts; today's episode is going to focus more specifically on the world of online courses - how Daniel distributes his courses to thousands of students, how he uses both a one-time purchase AND a monthly subscription model, and what has worked for him in terms of getting more students and customers. And next week we're talking more broadly about the business side of things and entrepreneurship in general, so definitely stay tuned for that. Let's get started.

  • 121: Why I'm giving away $10,000 in courses for free

    11/09/2019 Duração: 16min

    There haven't been any new podcasts in the past month because I've been working hard to finish and launch a new course... only to give it away for free during the month of September. Why on earth would I do that? In today's episode I'll explain my rationale, describe the results so far, and detail important dangers to avoid when considering giving something away for free in your business. Highlights: How this new course came from my oldest discontinued product Two reasons I'm giving it away for free, and what I hope to accomplish with this giveaway Limits I placed on the free offer in order to avoid sabotaging my business Links and comments: http://www.entrepreneursinmotion.com/giveaway

  • 120: Getting your business house in order - with Meryl Johnston

    15/08/2019 Duração: 24min

    The first few years of a new business can be rather messy and disorganized as you experiment with your products, branding, strategies, pricing, etc. - but if you want to grow and scale, then you need to get your house in order. Today's guest is Meryl Johnston of Bean Ninjas, and she shares exactly what she did to give her company a great foundation for growth. We also talk about how her own role in the business has evolved, and how she has adapted to running a business while being a new parent. Links and comments: http://www.entrepreneursinmotion.com/beanninjas

  • 119: What deep assumptions do you have about your business?

    31/07/2019 Duração: 14min

    What things do you believe to be true... or act as if they were true... but haven't tested or examined? Assumptions often creep in subconsciously - but let's take a closer look to see if they actually reflect reality. Today I'll give you examples of assumptions I've held about my business and life, and describe some other common ones that may have crept into your thinking as well. Links and comments: http://www.entrepreneursinmotion.com/assumptions

  • 118: Six figures doesn't guarantee smooth sailing - with Tommy Griffith

    24/07/2019 Duração: 30min

    Once your business hits the six-figure mark, it's all easy street after that... right? You might want to re-think that after hearing the story of today's guest, Tommy Griffith. He left his job to go all-in on his company, called ClickMinded, and also become a digital nomad. And that's where he began facing problem after problem. I love how Tommy shares the low points, the tough decisions, and the simple way that he and his co-founder ended up righting the ship and developing ClickMinded into a much stronger business. Links and comments: http://www.entrepreneursinmotion.com/tommy

  • 117: The evolution of an entrepreneur - with Emma Jakobi

    17/07/2019 Duração: 34min

    Today I'm talking with Emma Jakobi - she's an English teacher with a YouTube channel of over two million subscribers, as well as a somewhat unconventional product that's now at the heart of her business. Listen in to learn about how Emma's YouTube channel has changed significantly from her original idea, and the various mindset shifts she has made - and is still making - as her business develops. Links and comments: http://www.entrepreneursinmotion.com/emma

  • 116: Keys to successful hiring - with Noel Andrews

    10/07/2019 Duração: 27min

    Many of us up and coming entrepreneurs are either struggling to make our first hire - that was me earlier this year - or maybe we've made a few missteps and things haven't worked out when we've tried to hire or outsource in the past. Today's guest is Noel Andrews, and he has a lot of experience to share when it comes to making hiring decisions, avoiding common mistakes, and building relationships with your team. Noel also makes a strong case for why your next great hire might be from Eastern Europe. Links, comments, and show notes: http://www.entrepreneursinmotion.com/noel  

  • 115: My month of digital minimalism

    03/07/2019 Duração: 13min

    I reduced my work time and screen time to a minimum in June. How'd it go? Today I'm sharing specific stats and describing how the experience felt. I'd highly encourage you to try a similar experiment! Links and comments: http://www.entrepreneursinmotion.com/detox

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